J-superfamily Of Conotoxins For Disorders Involving Voltage Gated Ion Channels And/or Receptors
ID U-4073
Category Therapeutics
Subcategory Biologics
Brief Summary
Relatively short peptides roughly 25 residues in length which are naturally available in minute amounts in the venom of the cone snails that affect voltage gates ion channels and receptors.
Problem Statement
University of Utah researchers have developed conotoxins from the J-superfamily that inhibit potassium channels and some subtypes of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) family.
Stage of Development
Lead Identified
- Selectively targets potassium channels and the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor.
Publication Number: US-2011-0064668-A1
Patent Title: J-SuperFamily Conotoxin Peptides
Jurisdiction/Country: United States
Application Type: Non-Provisional
Contact Info
Jason Young
(801) 587-0519