Power Grid Continuous-time Scheduling, Pricing, & Storage Optimization
ID U-6036
Category Energy
Subcategory Electric Transmission & Dist.
Brief Summary
Software suite that enables more cost-effective and efficient power grid operations.
Problem Statement
The lag between demand spikes and energy production, a common situation referred to as a ramping scarcity event, results in higher consumer prices, overburdened energy grids, and higher costs to utility companies.
Technology Description
U of U researchers have developed a software suite composed of multiple algorithms that generate continuous-time estimates of the most efficacious strategies for energy pricing, generation, scheduling, and storage. Continuous-time demand optimization is based on marginal pricing, flexible loads, and power generation ramping trajectories. These optimization algorithms have been created to avoid ramping scarcity events, more accurately predict consumer prices, and off-load overburdened energy grids to available energy storage devices.
Stage of Development
Proof of Concept
- Distributes grid supply and demand resourcefully, leading to greater system efficiency.
- Avoids expensive ramping scarcity events.
- Reduces costs to consumers and energy grid operators.
- Supports energy storage interconnection guidelines.
Khatami, R., Parvania, M., & Khargonekar, P. P. (2018). Scheduling and pricing of energy generation and storage in power systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33(4), 4308-4322. doi: 10.1109/tpwrs.2017.2782676
For more information, please visit the Utah Smart Energy Lab website.
Publication Number: US 2017/0102725 A1
Patent Title: Systems and Methods for Power System Management
Jurisdiction/Country: United States
Application Type: Non-Provisional
Contact Info
Dean Gallagher
(801) 585-0396