Intrapartum Heat Therapy

ID U-6469

Category Medical Devices

Subcategory Obstetrics/Gynecology

Alli StraubharKarissa Keenan
Brief Summary

Intrapartum heat therapy that reduces pain and the incidence of tears during vaginal delivery.

Problem Statement

There are approximately 4 million births in the United States annually, with over two thirds of these being a vaginal delivery. Four percent of vaginal deliveries will result in a significant injury (a third or fourth degree tear of the perineal body) which can lead to long term sequelae in the mother ranging from hemorrhage or infection to incontinence of fecal matter and chronic pain.

Technology Description

University of Utah researchers have developed a interventional medical device that reduces the risk of injury during vaginal delivery. The device, when applied to the perineal region, reduces the risk of third and fourth degree tears, and decreases pain. The device is disposable, compact, and requires minimal training to use.

Stage of Development



  • Bedside application.
  • Simple to use.
  • Reduces pain and incidence of injury during vaginal delivery.

Contact Info

Huy Tran
(801) 581-7792


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