Chondrocyte Cell Sheets For Hyaline Cartilage Regeneration
ID U-6825
Category Therapeutics
Subcategory Regenerative Medicine
Brief Summary
This innovative method uses chondrocyte cell sheets derived from juvenile cartilage tissue to regenerate hyaline cartilage, offering a potential cure for cartilage defects.
Problem Statement
Current therapies for cartilage repair fail to regenerate the hyaline structure essential for weight-bearing functions, leading to suboptimal patient outcomes.
Technology Description
The technology involves culturing chondrocytes and chondroprogenitor cells from juvenile cartilage tissue on temperature-responsive cultureware to form multilayered cell sheets. These sheets are then detached and transplanted directly to damaged cartilage sites, promoting the regeneration of hyaline-like cartilage. This scaffold-free approach maintains the cells’ chondrogenic capacity and structural integrity, offering a significant improvement over existing treatments that rely on fibrous cartilage, which lacks the durability and functionality of hyaline cartilage.
Stage of Development
Pre-Clinical Validation
- Hyaline Cartilage Regeneration: Promotes the growth of hyaline-like cartilage, crucial for joint function and longevity.
- Scaffold-Free and Natural: The cell sheets provide a natural, scaffold-free environment for chondrocytes, enhancing their regenerative potential.
- Direct Transplantation: Enables the direct application of cultured cells to the injury site, preserving their regenerative properties.
- Low Immunogenicity: Utilizes cells with low immune rejection rates, making the therapy suitable for a broader patient population.
Kondo, Makoto et al. “Safety and efficacy of human juvenile chondrocyte-derived cell sheets for osteochondral defect treatment.” NPJ Regenerative medicine vol. 6,1 65. 15 Oct. 2021, doi:10.1038/s41536-021-00173-9
Contact Info
Huy Tran
(801) 581-7792