Innovation Team
Tom Georgis
Tom Georgis has 24 years of experience in both the conventional and renewable energy sectors, most recently as the CEO of SolarReserve, a global concentrated solar with thermal energy storage company, He has extensive climate technology expertise derived from working with numerous renewable and sustainable energy companies, technologies and projects; including early stage investment capital sourcing and structuring, regulatory and legislative policy advocacy, clean technology development and commercialization, and utility scale project development and financing. Tom is also an Adjunct Instructor with the Department of Entrepreneurship and Strategy in the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah and an Adjunct Professor and Faculty Advisor at the Anderson School of Management at UCLA where he lectures on entrepreneurship, international business strategy, and sustainability. At Anderson, he is also on the board of the Price Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. As an entrepreneur, operator, advisor, and investor, he has been involved with over 20 startups. He holds a degree in Political Science from Northwestern University and an MBA from UCLA.