Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cell Sheets For Uterine Tissue Regeneration

ID U-6618

Category Therapeutics

Subcategory Regenerative Medicine

GORO KURAMOTOTeruo OkanoRobert SilverDavid Grainger
Brief Summary

This technology utilizes human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell sheets to promote uterine tissue regeneration and reduce fibrosis.

Problem Statement

The challenges in treating uterine fibrosis and scarring post-surgery include complications in future pregnancies, low engraftment and survival of transplanted stem cells, and a dearth of effective regenerative treatments

Technology Description

The proposed method utilizes innovative temperature-responsive cell culture dishes to grow human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell (hUC-MSC) sheets, which are pivotal for regenerating uterine tissue and reducing fibrosis following surgical procedures like cesarean sections and myomectomies. This technique is particularly beneficial for enhancing post-surgical uterine healing and offers a new avenue for regenerative therapies in treating conditions such as Asherman’s syndrome. Furthermore, this approach represents a significant advancement in wound care and tissue engineering, with the potential to be applied to other tissues that necessitate regenerative treatments, thereby broadening the scope of its clinical applications.

Stage of Development

Pre-Clinical Validation


  • Preservation of cell-cell communication and extracellular matrix, facilitating natural cell functions post-transplantation.
  • Enhanced paracrine effects due to the preservation of cytokine expression.
  • Simplified and scalable production process adaptable to various clinical needs.
  • Improved cell survival and integration compared to traditional cell suspension injections.
  • Potential reduction in complications associated with uterine surgeries.


Kuramoto, Goro et al. “Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Sheets Improve Uterine Incision Repair in a Rodent Hysterotomy Model.” American journal of perinatology vol. 39,11 (2022): 1212-1222. doi:10.1055/s-0040-1721718


Contact Info

Aaron Duffy
(801) 585-1377


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