Fully Automated Dynamic Frame Rate Adjustment For Digital Subtraction Angiography
ID U-7581
Category Imaging (Software)
Brief Summary
Automatic optimization of acquisition frame rates to maximize image quality and limit unnecessary radiation in response to motion artifacts.
Problem Statement
Patient motion during diagnostic imaging will generate artifacts, limiting the diagnostic quality of the images. Image quality can be effectively improved by utilizing higher acquisition frame rates. However, frame rate adjustments are currently performed manually and frequently overlooked while also increasing radiation dose to both the patient and provider.
Technology Description
Real-time automated method to adjust acquisition frame rates in digital subtraction angiography, to optimize image quality while also limiting radiation exposure to patient and provider. A quantifiable approach for assessing the degree of motion in each acquisition drives the frame rate for subsequent acquisitions ensuring high quality images. In scenarios where there is a high degree of motion it is advantageous to increase the frame rate in order to optimize image quality. In the setting of low motion, lower frame rates can be used to limit the radiation exposure to the patient and provider.
Stage of Development
- Fully automated method to optimize image quality
- Adjustments driven by quantifiable data
- Saves time compared to manual adjustments
- Universal, method could be used in all DSA procedures by every medical specialty that performs image acquisitions
- Dynamic bidirectional adjustment- can lower frame rates to limit radiation exposure, but also increase frame rates to improve image quality when motion is present.
- Reduced radiation exposure to patient and provider.
Contact Info
Huy Tran
(801) 581-7792