Utah I-Corps ZAP October Cohort (in-person only)

The Utah I-Corps Program is proud to partner with I-Corps Hub West to provide NSF I-Corps training.
The National Science Foundation's Innovation Corps (I-Corps) program uses experiential education to help researchers gain valuable insight into entrepreneurship, starting a business or industry requirements and challenges. Even if you are not sure if you are ready to apply for I-Corps, you should consider attending the ZAP sessions as they will provide you with guidance and useful training that you can use now or in the future.
No Cost to Participate
In ZAP, you will gain real-world insights, interacting with potential consumer bases for an end product - the purpose is to obtain actionable data and refine your value proposition: how can your tech provide a solution to a real-world challenge?
Your team will be coached by expert instructors in various fields of business and tech, learning about Lean Startup Methodology and the business model canvas, and you will have to complete 10 interviews with industry-relevant businesses.
In ZAP, you will not be required to have found an Industry Mentor (IM) for your team, but we highly encourage you to recruit an IM as soon as you are able.
October 2024 Cohort class dates (In-Person)
October 02, 9, 16
Who is eligible?
I-Corps programming is available to all deep tech innovators (graduate students & research faculty) from any research or teaching institution. If you would like to find out if you are eligible, please contact our Associate Director, Amy Graham at
Event Information
Event Date | 10-02-2024 9:00 am |
Event End Date | 10-02-2024 2:00 pm |